colourful.....and just plain fun!
My fantastic mom (who I'm sure you feel is practically your mom because I talk about her in every post) sent me the most awesome bag o'buttons. Not just any bag, but a vintage collection of buttons my grandma collected for Years. Yes, Years, with a capital 'Y'. I think this is a totally grammatically appropriate way to emphasize the many years of button collecting that happened on Madison Street.
I always need a project. It might be the slight OCD in me, but I feel like if there isn't something to work on, life just isn't worth living! Ok, it's not that bad, but I do love a project. I've started making a banner to have on my table when I go to market. I feel like Pinnies needs something that's gonna stand out! Something with a little attitude and personality. Like me! Obviously. Sooooooo to bring a little life into the often dreary greys of Edinburgh, I thought lime and fuschia would be perfect! It's still a work in progress, but so far I'm loving the way it looks. Plus, it's just fun to do! Stay tuned to see the finished product!
Happy sewing!