Friday, 8 June 2012


I'm assuming the whole world was informed that this past weekend was the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. You may, in fact, not be as obsessed with the royal family as I am and were doing something productive instead of watching the flotilla down the Themes. If you didn't watch the festivities, I forgive you. To be honest, I didn't watch a whole lot, but my excuse was that I was, I participated in the most awesome way possible!!! 

If you think this is a giant shortbread Union Jack'd be right. I decided to have a little competition over the weekend and have people guess the weight of this buttery beast. My god, was it beastly. Also, I realise that the colours are not quite 'royal'...but hey, nobody's perfect. Don't judge me. So, lots of cool folks stopped by the stall and put in their two cents about how much they thought it weighed. It turned out to be about 9x12in in size, and it was layered up. Deceptively heavy. The weight shocked me. Then, I started thinking about all the shortbread I've eaten over the last year and half. Then, I ate more. You only live once, right?! Anyway, it was super fun and I'm glad I was able to participate in the festivities in my own little way :)


We've also vamped up our market stall, and so to compliment our new, bright, summer look I whipped up some super cute bunting. How could you not love bunting? Complete with G-ma's vintage buttons. Love!!!!

As always, Happy Baking!
